The Quote of the Day – 2010 08 09

“Hang around optimists. Refresh your own psyche and spirit by socializing with people who don’t just see the glass half full but are willing to share that glass with you. They understand they’ll gain so much more.”

– Denis Waitley

I’ll start right off and admit that this quote may seen like it is not 100% geared towards gratitude! However, when you become more grateful you will start to be different. You will be feeling different. You will be evolving and changing. Your friends and family will notice a difference. Some will like it while others may not like it.

Those who do not like it do so because they do not want to see you excel and move ‘ahead’ of them. They will be weary that the relationship will change (and it will). As the saying goes, “I  won’t forget where I came from,” you may decide that you do not want to be with some negative, complaining, whining, bad attitude people. It is a lot of work to be there!

u naturally gravitate to like minded people. This is not a bad thing! Charlie “Tremendous” Jones says, “You will be the same person in five years as you are today except for the people you meet and the books you read.”

Who are you meeting? With whom are you associating? Are you moving ahead, or are you going backwards?

If you would like to join in on a discussion of gratitude, please come to the NO cost Tele-Training on August 12th. You can dial in from the comfort of your own home! For additional information, please check out:
Tele-Training info:

Be Well.

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