The Quote of the Day – 2010 08 08

“Life’s challenges are not supposed to paralyze you, they’re supposed to help you discover who you are.”

– Bernice Johnson Reagon

Today quote is related to the blog. I have talked about keeping a Gratitude Blog and listing things for which you are grateful. Occasionally I have listed a few things of my own in the blog.

Starting today, I am challenging myself to list 1,001 things that bring me more gratitude! I will be listing 10 things a day for 100 days (somewhere in there I will list 11 items!)

I invite you to read them. For those of you who do not know what a blog is – do not panic! It is only a website! If you click on:

you will see short articles, videos, pictures and other assorted goodies that you can enjoy. The main theme there… you guessed it! GRATITUDE! I invite you to take a gander and see if anything interests you. Again, that is – I am sure you will find something thought provoking!

Come join me and see that my list of 1,001 Gratitude items becomes. I invite you to share some things that my be on your list – or even better – accept the challenge with me! Start your own list of 1,001 things that bring you gratitude!

One quick announcement – have you looked into the upcoming NO COST Tele-Training on Gratitude? Join in on the fun for an hour or so! More information is available at:

Until tomorrow –
Be Well.

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