Your Gratitude Burst – 2010 09 07

“The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.”

– Walt Disney

Look at all that Walt has completed! This quote also reminds me of the saying, “After all is said and done, a lot is said, and a little is done.”

When you are stuck and need to get moving, just do something. Take a small step, regardless of how small. Just do something!

If you are down in the dumps and wallowing in despair, take the smallest step. And then take another. And another.

For example, if you don’t feel like going for a run and you planned on it, just get ready to run. Put on your sneakers. Once they are on, just walk outside. You can always turn back. When you get to the end of the walkway, just walk to the end of the street. Keep doing this, and pretty soon, your workout will be completed!

The same is true for any project, task, or activity that needs to be completed.

For many people, today is the start of the week due to a long weekend off. Make today a day of doing, and not talking.

When you accomplish more, you will be more grateful to yourself for what you have finished.

Be Well.

The Gratitude Guru

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