Your Gratitude Burst – 2010 09 15

“It’s not that I’m so smart, it’s just that I stay with problems longer.”

– Albert Einstein

Persistence pays off. This is true for just about anything! Slow and steady wins the race. Want to be more grateful? Stick with it. Want to run faster? Stick with it. Want to get better at playing the piano? Stick with it!

You can’t accomplish something if you give up. You cannot achieve your goal if you stop trying. If you are trying to be more grateful, try these 3 simple actions I wrote about in today’s blog posting: Gratitude Rules.

With every worth while victory, adversity was first overcome.

Are you going to cut your dream short because you are not there yet? Don’t do it! Press ahead! You can do it!

Full Steam Ahead!
The Gratitude Guru

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