Your Gratitude Burst – 2010 10 16

“Energy and persistence conquer all things.”

— Benjamin Franklin

For those of you who are on FaceBook, you may have seen all the posting and updates I had the past couple of days regarding the fund raising event that I have been involved with last night.

All in all, it was a tremendous success! A good time was had by all! A worthy cause raised some money! And for all the hours that were put into it (along with the physical and emotional labor) it feels good to give of myself and be a part of it.

There are some things feel better when you are doing it out the of the goodness of your heart. I am sure that if I was paid an hourly wage for the time spent on this project that I probably would not feel as good as I feel now.

Do you volunteer your time and services? Give it a shot – it will pay you back much more than you can imagine!

Have a great weekend!

Be Well.
The Gratitude Guru

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