Posts Tagged ‘Thanks’

Thanks!: How Practicing Gratitude Can Make You Happier [Paperback]

A scientifically groundbreaking, eloquent look at how we benefit — psychologically, physically, and interpersonally — when we practice gratitude. Did you know that there is a crucial component of happiness that is often overlooked? In Thanks!, Robert Emmons draws on the first major study of the subject of gratitude, of ?wanting what we have,” and…

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Recently, I have been getting a lot of emails from you all – the subscribers of the Quote of the Day. I am trying to answer all of them, but they are piling up 🙂 Thanks for taking the time out to write and share. I am grateful for having you as a subscriber as…

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Super Busy

Hello Everyone! The rest of the week is going to be super busy for me – my posts may be a little bit delayed until Friday, but I will try to come back and publish some little nugget to get you thinking! Thanks for you patience. Be Well. Sign up for the Gratitude Quote of…

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Excellent! Thanks To All Of You!

Today is a great day! One of my original goals for the website was to break the 1 million mark for website rankings on I wrote about this in my June 20th post. Back then, I was ranked at 23 million. I am very happy to say that today, with all of your help,…

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I am Touched!

You may not have noticed it recently, however, I have updated the sign-up page for the Gratitude Quote of the Day ( Over the past weekend, I decided to list some ‘testimonials’ or short notes that I have received from people on the list. I then sent out a few emails to ask for some…

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