Grateful To Be Back

I have been busy the past few days, so I have not written much 🙁 Since I am feeling sad, I thought I would share this saddening site regarding the terrible ‘Oil Spill’.

An explosion on the BP-operated Deepwater Horizon oil rig killed eleven crew members on April 20, 2010, sparking the greatest environmental disaster in United States history. Current estimates put the amount of oil being discharged from the broken well at above 1,050,000 US gallons per day! There are over 400 different species of animals living in the area affected by the spill. 253 sea turtles and 29 dolphins have been found dead within the spill area (NOAA).

Please look around your own town and be thankful for something that is happening other than a disaster like this. Let your gratitude flow for the recovery efforts; although this is a horrific tragedy, we can learn a lot from it to improve our lives as we move ahead.

Be Well.

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