The Quote of the Day – 2010 08 18
“I don’t know the key to success, but the key to failure is trying to please everybody.”
– Bill Cosby
This quote certainly hit home for me this past weekend but with a little bit of a twist…
I was not trying to please everyone, but I was trying to make life easier for a lot of people at once. Probably too many people. In a way, that is like trying to please everyone. When you go out of your way to make life easier for others, your own life becomes much more complicated and does not let your life “flow” easier.
It was a realization that smacks you on the side of the head – it was as if the obvious walked right in front of me, grabbed my head, and spread my eyelids open.
You have to look out for #1 first. You need to care for yourself before helping anyone else. You need to put on your oxygen mask so you will be able to assist others.
This is clearly obvious and I could have given the same advice.
For me, it was a good lesson to re-learn. I guess I never really learned it correctly the first time.
Be Well.