Your Gratitude Burst – 2010 11 24
“Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.”
– W.T. Purkiser
A couple of day ago, i had a conversation with MaryAnn D’Ambrosio. MaryAnn is the founder of the website, Leap Without Limits. MaryAnn is a super person doing awesome things – if you have some time, check out her website!
One of the topics we discussed was the upcoming holiday here in the United States, Thanksgiving. MaryAnn asked me what is an activity that people can do on Thanksgiving to help express gratitude? After all, Thanksgiving is the High Holy Day for gratitude folks like me!
A simple and enjoyable activity that can be done ANY day or night (not just on Thanksgiving) is to go around the table and have each person say 1 or 2 things that they are thankful for. It can be for something that happened that day, it can be for someone at the table, it can be for something seen, or anything! Each person gets to express what he or she is grateful for at that moment.
People are more open to do this on a day like Thanksgiving because that is what the day is all about! This is also a great opportunity to start this daily ritual and keep it going every day!
Give it a shot on Thursday and let me know how it went!
Be Well.
The Gratitude Guru
All the Gratitude Quotes can be found here.