Your Gratitude Burst – 2010 12 31
“Nothing happens unless first a dream.”
— Carl Sandburg
Do you have a dream? Martin Luther King, Jr. let everyone know that he had a dream!
Do you have a really big dream to accomplish something? Maybe it is a small dream. Perhaps you have a dream to be a little more grateful in 2011 than you were in 2010.
This begs to ask the question… What is the difference between a Dream and a Goal?
There is a small distinction that makes a HUGE difference. Any idea what it is?
A Goal is a Dream with a DEADLINE. Until you assign a date to when you want to accomplish something, it is a dream. Once you know when you want to achieve it, it becomes a goal.
Like I said, a small distinction, but a major difference. After all, it is all about your mindset and how you put things into perspective.
Speaking of which, the blog post listed below talks about mindset!
What are you thinking?
Have a wonderful
New Year! Be Safe! Until next year (or tomorrow, whichever comes first…)
All the Gratitude Quotes can be found here.