Your Gratitude Burst – 2011 01 24
“The only limits in your life are those that you set yourself.”
– Unknown
When you set out to do something, think BIG! Go all out and be “on purpose.” Plan out your work, and then work your plan. Many times it takes the same amount of effort to do BIG things as it does to do smaller things. Sounds like a contradiction, right?
A basic example – buying an inexpensive house has about the same activities as buying an expensive house. Taking a trip to a foreign country is only a little more involved than traveling only 100 miles away.
Yes, there may be a few more details to be ironed out, but it is not double the effort to buy a house that costs twice as much (getting twice the money is another story 🙂 ).
Set your sights high! Dream Big! Set lofty goals!
And if you are interested, you are cordially invited to join us “Achieve Your Goals With Gratitude” (Note: this was a program that occurred in the past).
Be Well.
The Gratitude Guru
All the Gratitude Quotes can be found here.