What is a Vision Board?

Do you have a Vision Board? Do you know what one is?

A Vision Board or a Vision Book is a place where you can post all your ‘Visions’ – it is a visual representation of places you want to go, things you want to do, material things you want to have, or any representation of something you want to change. It is a way to keep those things in front of you at all times (well, most times!)

You have probably heard of the saying, “Out of sight, out of mind.” By using a Vision Board or Vision Book, you have a reminder that is always available for you to keep those things in front of you and “in focus”. Your Vision Board should be placed in an area that you visit recently on a daily basis so you constantly see it. I have a large bulletin board in my office that is 4 feet by 3 feet that has pictures of many of the things I want to be, do, and have. There are pictures of:

An African Safari
A Tahitian lodge over the water
A Tuscany Italy
A Mercedes  Convertible
Pictures of me completing some of my Triathlon Races
A check for $600,000 representing a mortgage for a house
iTunes Gift Card
A PADI Underwater Naturalist Course (SCUBA Diving specialty certification course)
A 1,000,000 Dollar Bill

Every day I see these things and it keeps me focused on some of the goals I want to achieve.

I highly suggest you use one and see what happens. By the way… A week after I put up the $600,000 check, I was approved for a loan to purchase another house. It turned out that the deal did not go through, but I did get the approval! That proved to me that having a Vision Board works!

Be Well.

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  1. Carla on November 6, 2009 at 8:02 am

    How true! And I have found that when people arrange their vision boards according to the principals of Feng Shui, these boards have even greater power to help manifest dreams!

  2. chaz on November 10, 2009 at 3:25 pm

    Yes! Awesome idea. I made TWO smaller (more manageable!) vision boards – one for my office and one for home. I found that using more pictures and less words worked the best for me. I’m also going to try to ‘change the landscape’ of the boards from time-to-time to keep them fresh.

    For extra inspiration I went for some good-looking cork boards with custom frames on them that I picked out online at http://www.wholesalecustomframe.com/ . I’m sure there are other places as well, but FWIW this place was pretty cheap.

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