Gratitude for Back Pain?

Many of you know that I used to race in Triathlons. I used to swim, bike and then run. I would train almost everyday. I traveled thousands of miles to get to some of the races. I would pack up my bike and ship it in advanced. My longest race was a 1/2 Ironman – I swam 1.2 miles, biked 56 miles, and then I ran a half-marathon (13.1 miles).

But, I have not done that in a few years now. Due to a bad back and a bad knee, my Tri days are on hold. I have thoughts and plans to get back to it, but I need to find a way. I went to doctors and specialists. I even went to New York City to see one of doctors that travels with the USA Olympic team! On my last visit, he told me that I should stop doing triathlons.

Just today I found a site that is giving me hope. Hope to get my back better. Hope to have the pain in my lower back dissipate so I can go back to the things I love to do.

First of all, I trust my physicians. I know they are doing the best they can. With that said, I am always searching for alternatives. I know there are alternative ways to heal that do not involve using a scalpel.

Today, I placed an order for “The Seven Day Back Pain Cure” – a book by Jesse Cannone, CFT, CPRS, MFT, and Co-founder of the Healthy Back Institute. Best of all, he is giving it away (I only paid $5.95 for shipping and of that, $2 goes to charity). Satisfaction Guaranteed! How can you go wrong?

They way I see it, 6 bucks to learn how to help myself is an investment well worth it! $6 is way less than appointment to the doctor or even a co-payment.

I am not saying this book is for everyone. Heck – I have not even READ it yet! But I wanted to let you know about it since the free offer may come done at anytime.

If you DO decide to get the book, I would like to read it with you. No, not literally read it out loud with you, but think of it as a sort of study group! If you purchase the book within the next week, let me know and I will set up a series of conference calls with anyone who buys it so we can discuss it. Clearly, there will be no fee for this, it is completely optional, and only if you think it might benefit you. If no one wants to do this, it won’t happen! 😉

Head over to “The Seven Day Back Pain Cure” and see if it can benefit you.

Be Well.


  1. Michele on March 8, 2011 at 11:37 am

    Paul…I love how you are approaching your problem. Hope this method of pain relief helps. Please let us know.

  2. Paul on March 8, 2011 at 12:04 pm

    @Michele – Problem? What Problem? 🙂 Sometimes you just have to deal with it! And in doing so, keep looking for another solution! Thanks for the comment!

  3. Debbie on March 8, 2011 at 10:33 pm

    Such a deal, giving it a try!

  4. Menka on March 9, 2011 at 11:26 pm

    I would have book reading with you Paul. I am going to buy it.

  5. kathi on March 10, 2011 at 9:47 am

    looking into book. thanks you for the name of it and I am going to get it.

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