Spreading Happiness at Work

Gratitude-WorkAs a reader of the ‘All About Gratitude’ Blog, you know that sharing gratitude is an important part of your day (you know that, right?). Even while the ‘Bad Times’ puts more pressure on many businesses, there’s no reason that the atmosphere must be deary and distraught. Grateful workers do better work and better work is the only way to weather the economy. By spreading the gratitude and happiness, you, your co-workers, and your customers and clients will feel better overall.

It does not matter what position you hold, you can take charge of the way you think to increase your job satisfaction and have a positive influence on your colleagues.

Make Yourself Happier at Work

1.     Accept the situation. Every job has unpleasant duties. If your position prevents you from being able to change the situation, try to accept it. Look for the humor in having to complete a detailed form that no one ever reads or devote your energy to thinking about more constructive things. If you have to work with someone unpleasant, try to see it as a lesson on learn how to deal with stubborn people. Shower him or her with kindness, love, joy, and gratitude.

2.     Take breaks. Giving yourself a rest is good for your emotional health and productivity. I work with a computer all day long – that is my job! Most people that work with computers should stand up and step away from the computer for a few minutes every hour. Take time to chat with your coworkers so long as you don’t distract them from their work and you are not wasting time.

3.     Take control. Feeling in control is an important factor in job satisfaction. Plan ahead to make your work more pleasant. Keep your to do list up to date. Feel grateful when you get to check something off as completed! Propose a timeline for major projects. Your supervisor may appreciate your initiative and you’ll avoid the stress of leaving things until the last minute.

4.     Get organized. I have to admit that this is one area that I certainly need to work on. It’s easier to feel relaxed if your surroundings are in good order. Clear away clutter. Keep supplies and files you use frequently in a spot where you can access them easily. Whenever I get my desk organized, I always feel grateful for getting it perfect for working!

5.     Engage more fully. You may find your work more interesting if you devote your full attention to it. Share your gratitude with your coworkers as you concentrate on your tasks. Look for ways to streamline routine tasks. Listen actively to presentations, take notes and ask follow up questions.

6.     As always, think positive. Focus on the things you like about your job and the people with whom you work. Remind yourself of reasons to be grateful, such as opportunities to travel or flexible hours so you can attend your child’s soccer games. Be grateful that you have a job. And if you are currently unemployed, be thankful that you have time available to do what you want.

7.     Use your strengths. Identify your strong points and put them to work for you. Whether you’re a good writer or an effective salesperson, volunteer for assignments that will make the most of your talents. Volunteering can be for assignments at work, or for a good cause in your community.

8.     Connect with your motivation. Keep in mind the purpose of your work. You may feel a personal affinity with the mission of your employer or feel gratified knowing that you’re providing for yourself and your family.

When you are feeling joy, love, and gratitude, everything around you will be better. This is just as true at work as anywhere else. Strive to feel this way, and just as importantly, share those feelings with others. By spreading the gratitude, everyone around you will feel better.

Be Well.
The Gratitude Guru


  1. Harvey Hyman on March 3, 2011 at 9:31 am

    These 8 suggestions for being happier at work are all great Paul. I would like to add 4 more. Learn patience (see M.J. Ryan’s The Power of Patience). Learn to practice self-compassion so you don’t crucify yourself for mistakes (Paul Gilbert’s The Compassionate Mind). Learn to deal with bullies and difficult people (who can sap the life out of you). Learn to value process over result (Alex Pattakos’ Prisoner of Our Thoughts.

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