The Concept of Karma

Karma-CafeIn keeping with yesterday’s post, here is a follow-up of sorts that goes along with Gratitude and Meditation.

We’ve all heard someone joke about karma. I like the one, “My karma ran over your dogma.”

But what is karma, actually? In Buddhist philosophy, karma is the consequence of everything you do throughout your life. Karma can be good or bad, depending on your intentions and actions toward others.

Consider this example:

  • You’re angry with your sister because she borrowed your sweater and ruined it. You get back at her by embarrassing her in front of a new man in her life. You very much intended to shame her and hurt her feelings.
  • Those who believe in karma might view your intentions and action toward your sister as causing bad karma that would eventually come back around to you.

In essence, karma operates on the principle that what you send out to others is what you’ll receive back. It may be the next day, the next year or even in your next life, but your karma will be paid back to you.

Making a concerted effort to be positive, helpful and kind toward others seems to be the best way to go, according to the concept of karma. You’ll then be blessed with all that good karma returning to you.

Whether you adopt fully the principles of Eastern philosophies, it does make logical sense to behave toward others as you’d like them to behave toward you. Consider keeping karma in mind in your everyday interactions with people. Your life will be more positive as a consequence.

Discovering your own path to enlightenment is a journey only you can make. If you open your mind to Eastern ideas, you will certainly feel more relaxed and peaceful, and you might just move a little closer to enlightenment

Be Well.
The Gratitude Guru

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