10 more things which bring more Gratitude to me

It is a little after 1 am right now and I am preparing for the Tele-Training this Thursday evening. I am reviewing some of the AWESOME questions that have been submitted. One of the really great things about doing this training is that in the preparations I really get the opportunity to immerse myself in the study of Gratitude!

Here I am, reading over the questions and formulating some anecdotes when I realized that I need to post 10 things which bring more Gratitude to me! Time is running out! So without further adieu, here is today’s list:

21. The Tele-Training this Thursday (want more info? Click here -> Gratitude Tele-Training

22. The nice person who let me in at the traffic light.

23. The leftover Cluck-U chicken wings I had for dinner tonight/last night… a few hours ago! They hit the spot!

24. The “First Day
of School” pictures of my niece! Such a Cutie Pie!

25. I am soo grateful and excited that I will get to see her and her family in a couple of weeks!

26. Origin’s Modern Friction – I think I am high maintenance now!

27. My hand and arm massage this evening.

28. Boney James for the wonderful music he creates.

29. The ability to type out this list.

30. My iHome clock radio that wakes me in the morning to my “Wake Up” Playlist.

Thanks for reading! Enjoy your day!

Be Well.

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