Items 41 – 50 which bring more Gratitude to me

Here are my items numbered 41 – 50 which bring more Gratitude to me!

With no disrespect to Sonny & Cher – “And the List Goes On…”

41. The glorious rain that came today!

42. The cooler temperatures that accompanied the rain today brings me more gratitude.

My Gratitude increases for the rain we receive!

43. I am grateful for the Headstone that arrived for my mother-in-law.

44. Jose and his trust to provide me his account and password to work on his website with him.

45. The 70+ people that signed up for the Tele-Training class tonight.

46. My awesome co-workers – a meeting was rescheduled so I didn’t have to c
all into the meeting when I was at home.

47. All the help my Brother, Erik, provided to me. The Gratitude is oozing out to him!

48. I am grateful that the cup only had a little bit of wine when I dropped it!

49. The Cluck U coupon that let me get 5 pieces of chicken for free when I purchased 5 pieces of chicken!

50. iTunes!

I am officially 1/2% of the way to completing my list of 1,001 items that bring more gratitude to me!

You are invited to list something(s) that brings more gratitude to you by leaving some comments to this posting. Keep in mind that there are no right or wrong answers to the age old question of, “What bring more gratitude to you?” Each person will certainly have different answers. The reason I am doing this in chunks of 10 is that I am interested in looking back (in 100 days from now) and seeing how my perspective has changed.

Be Well. May your Gratitude increase as the day continues on.

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