The Quote of the Day – 2010 08 07

“Just as millions of snowflakes pile up to create a blanket of snow, the ‘thank you’s’ we say pile up and fall gently upon one another until, in our hearts and minds, we are adrift in gratitude.”

– Daphne Rose Kingman

This is proof that there are no “little things” when dealing with Gratitude! Every bit matters – each Thank You and every grateful thought plants a seed that will continue to grow. As water ripples out further and further, so does a kind thought, a nice smile, a warm thank you, and a simple compliment.

It is never too late to start being grateful, nor is it to late to continue to spread the love and spread the gratitude!

If you are interested in learning more about being more grateful, please join us for the Tele-Training on August 12th. For additional information, please check out:
Tele-Training info:

Be Well.

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