Gratitude – Anonymous Short Story

I read this on the Gratitude FaceBook Page with a link back to I was given permission to share this with you all.

Gratitude PagesWe are seniors who just like everyone else were living their lives and getting along financially as best we could. Then we turned around and we were old.

Married 50 years and still together, how wonderful is that right? Plus, we had pretty good health and only one bad health scare.

Then we took a hard look at the finances and knew we would have to sell our home. Plus we should have anyway. Turns out we wouldn’t get enough to pay all the bills. So we were one of the seniors that declared bankruptcy. Does anyone have any idea how hard that is cause you can’t make your credit back up if you can no longer work!

However, after saying all that… We are still together in a wonderful place to live, have enough food and then some, still have reasonable health and we know that all we have is NOW. Plus we know you can’t take the money with you when you move on so to say we are grateful is an understatement.

The lesson is for goodness sake pay yourself first and save for retirement. It would be a lot more fun with money.

Wow! Isn’t that the truth? When you surround yourself with gratitude, your conditions really don’t matter as much as you may think they do – you perceive things differently! Reality is what you want it to be (until you go off the Deep End. Ha! The Deep End!) In all seriousness – the saying that ‘Anything is possible’ is so very true. Have you read about the gratitude I felt when I gave away my pick-up truck? That was a great day.

Go fill your destiny with gratitude!


  1. Vicky on April 20, 2012 at 10:59 am

    Thanks for sharing this story; I am sure that more than a few people can relate to it in this economy. We expected to be in better financial shape at this point in our lives but circumstances have provided unexpected “opportunity” to learn to be grateful for what we do have. Life may not bring exactly what you expect, but it is good!

  2. Jeanne dowell on November 7, 2018 at 2:32 pm

    I love whAt you’re sharing Paul. We have a

    Gratitude mtg once a mo. Pot luck and share

    Meaningful movies, speakers, life’s issues etc.

    People love it and look forward to sharing their

    Gratitudes. Thanks for what you’re doing to make us aware of being grateful.

    • Paul on December 16, 2018 at 9:36 pm

      I love this idea, Jeanne! I should schedule a Gratitude Dinner once a month! Thanks for the idea!

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