Items 101 – 110 which bring more Gratitude to me

Items  101 – 110 which bring more Gratitude to me!

You can see the items from 91 – 100 here.

Once again, I have been a little delinquent in updating my list. It certainly is NOT due to lack of wanting to, it is just that I have been a bit busy. But, no excuses here… let’s get cracking!

101. Prime Numbers! (Get it… 101 is a prime number!)

102. Binary numbers! (Get it 101 is a binary number – forget the fact that I am on #102)

103. Prime Numbers! Wait – I just used that one. How about I have a lot of gratitude for the window fan that is currently in my window cooling me off!

104. The Time To Eat diner – I like to go there for breakfast on Sundays.

105. Netflix – Gratitude to the max for getting movies delivered to me at home!

106. My Nikon D70S Camera – I love it!

107. Oh no! Not again… Prime Numbers! Actually, I love my iPhone. I am still using an older version (3G), but I love it!

108. There is lots of gratitude in my book for… my books! Right now, I am reading Marketing Lessons fr
om the Grateful Dead: What Every Business Can Learn from the Most Iconic Band in History – it is VERY good!

109. The Sound of Silence

110. Hong Kitchen and their General Tzo’s Shrimp!

You are invited to list something(s) that brings more gratitude to you by leaving some comments to this posting. Keep in mind that there are no right or wrong answers to the age old question of, “What bring more gratitude to you?” Each person will certainly have different answers. The reason I am doing this in chunks of 10 is that I am interested in looking back (in 100 days from now) and seeing how my perspective has changed.

Be Well. May your Gratitude increase as the day continues on.

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