Your Gratitude Burst – 2010 09 13

“It is not in the pursuit of happiness that we find fulfillment, it is in the happiness of pursuit.”

– Denis Waitley

Happy Monday to you all! I have a fantastic weekend these past 2 days, yesterday in particular!

* Here in Somerville, NJ, we had the second annual Jazz Festival.
* I spent the day with some family members and also listening to some great jazz.
* There were some technical difficulties over at the TV station where I volunteer, but they are getting resolved.
* I found a way to “Double My Productivity For Life” (did you see that email yesterday? More info at:
So you can a lot was going on. And even with some set-backs, it was all good!
I think one of the best things about this past weekend was that the majority of all that happened was spontaneous! I was not “in the pursuit of happiness” but since I try to find the happiness in the pursuit, it all works out well! I had a great weekend because I look for the happiness.
There is no big secret there – when you enjoy what you are doing, life is easier. Your circumstances do not determine your happiness, your attitude determines your happiness.

Make it an extraordinary day doing ordinary things.

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