Your Gratitude Burst – 2010 10 11
“Forgiveness is the fragrance that the violet sheds on the heal that crushed it.”
– Mark Twain
A couple quick announcements: Thanks Barbara for supplying today’s quote!
Welcome to my newest Google Friend, snookiecollins! Thanks.
And now, back to the Burst!
I remember holding a grudge for something that happened long ago; looking back, what a funny time in my life. It wss I was so angry and upset at the time. I was right, darn it, and the other person was wrong.
I could not let it go. I harbored these feelings for years!! I had not seen this person for a long time until we finally ran into each other (of all places), an airport!
How easy would it have been if I either addressed the issue when it came up, or I simply forgave this person and moved on with my life! Clutching on to bad feelings prevents gratitude from washing over us.
For another great story today (one of my personal favorites!), check out the story of the Cookie Thief:…d-cookie-thief/
Be Well.
The Gratitude Guru