It’s The Little Things That Count
How much gratitude do you express in your daily life? Quite frankly, it’s time to start being grateful for some of the good things working in our lives. This can be difficult to quantify, especially if you are under a fair amount of stress or finding life a bit tough. However there are so many things we have around us and we take for granted; we often have no idea of the positive impact those things have on us. Sometimes the stress of everyday life takes its toll and living feels like we are just getting by and surviving.
As is true with human nature, there are so many things we don’t realize the
worth of until we don’t have around us. If you have children, you’ll be aware of that sense of wanting your child to be asleep just so you can get something done without them interrupting you. On the other hand, when they are asleep, you may find yourself wanting to wake them up so you can hold them, touch them and play with them. It’s always greener on the other side of the fence! If we don’t have it, we want it. Sometimes we ignore the gratitude we intend to have.
Another example maybe that you just have forgotten what it’s like to live in your own place. Do you express your gratitude for where you live? Depending on where you are in your life, you may take for granted that you can come and go without having your parents around to check what time you get home. You may not appreciate owning a home when you pay the mortgage each month after month. Still living with your parents? In that case, you may not be grateful for the fact that they are there for you to help with meals, or provide you with a safe place to live!
There are just so many little freedoms we have that we take for granted. Regardless what your current situation may be, there is always something for which you can express your gratitude.
Do you know what it is?
Be Well.
The Gratitude Guru
Your quote about holding the door at the mall really struck a note. I like to think when I express my gratitude I am sincere and if anyone ever held the door for me at a mall I always say “thank you” with sincerity since that is a rare thing, especially at this time of the year.