I Confess – There is No Gratitude Right Now!
OK – I confess – I am not feeling the gratitude right now. I am tired. I worked hard all day, came home, met with my Mastermind group, conducted an interview, worked on a few web sites, relaxed just a bit, and was ready to call it a night. Usually the last thing I do before going to bed is get the Gratitude Burst ready for the next day.
I thought, “What if I skip it and just send it out late?” Would would it matter if people opened their email and saw the Gratitude Burst was 5 hours late? After all… it is free! Who cares?”
After 1.2 seconds, I realized, I care. I promise to send it out on time each day. Day in. Day out. I thought of what I would write about… Hm
m… I consulted my trusted source of quotes I have gathered up over time and I asked myself another question, “What can I write about, from my heart, at this very moment.?” And I searched my quotes for the word, ‘Tired’.
I found today’s Gratitude Burst from Newt Gingrich. My first thought was, “No! No politics – people don’t like to read about politics first thing in the morning.” But as I read his quote, I liked it! “Perseverance is the hard work you do after you get tired of doing the hard work you already did.”
I proceeded to comment on Mr. Gingrich’s words and complete the Gratitude Burst. And then I thought, “I did not write a blog post yet!”
“But I am too tired.”
“Did you even READ what you just wrote about?”
(I bet you had no idea the Gratitude Burst and this blog even get this much thought put into it!)
The last thought I considered before writing this post was, “Oh my gosh! It is January 31st! This is the last day of the Ultimate Blog Challenge! I p
romised to post 31 Blog Posts this day! I definitely have to write something! I made a promise to myself and Michele and Michelle!”
And so, you have today’s blog post. I combination of my thoughts, the process I go through on a daily basis, and the story of overcoming my tiredness.
I am frequently asked how I accomplish all the incredible things I do. I hope today’s post answers the question, “How do you do it?” I just do. I stick with it. I like what I do. I enjoy it. I receive gratitude from it.
You can do the same. Probably even better than I can.
Be Well.
The Gratitude Guru
Thanks Paul for ‘sticking with it’ because I enjoy your posts very much! Take a look at my last post- I sit here with the 365 Days of Gratitude book that Michele Scism referred to me and love reading each day. And your blog is also so inspiring! So glad we met during the UBC and hope to stay connected.
[…] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Lynn Brown, Paul Taubman. Paul Taubman said: I Confess – There is No Gratitude Right Now! http://bit.ly/hAZJ5d […]
It’s easy to see why you are successful. When you say you are going to do something, you actually DO it!
I am definitely going to reread this post. I must admit I have gotten to the end of too many days without completing everything I planned and putting something off ’til tomorrow that I could have pushed just a litter harder and gotten done that night.
Thank-you for your perseverance and the timely message.
[…] Taubman — He writes All About Gratitide. You knew I’d like this one, right? Gratitude is my middle name! I found his blog to be […]
Thank-you for persevering Paul. It often amazes me how timely your gratitude bursts are. As you may be aware work has been progressing on my website for the IMC. However, I was disappointed with the video quality and the time it took to buffer the files. I posed the question on numerous forums as to which codec would bring the best results yet received no responses of any value. Then, while reading your gratitude burst, I recalled a Facebook friend who had assisted me with a similar situation several years ago. He quickly responded, even sending me a copy of the code I required, and I am blown away by the result. The problem now is that all of the video files, of which there are more than one hundred, will have to be re-rendered and re-uploaded to the server. It took me nearly six weeks to do this the last time. So, now it is a test of my perseverance t
o do all the hard work that is required after becoming tired from all the hard work that I just completed. Then again, I love what I do and consider myself blessed to be one of those few who will never have to work another day in their lives.
Thank you very much for your confession Paul! Thank you for sharing with us and making us realize that we are not alone… when we too feel tired and have to cling to the last bit of energy left in our being to finish what we started, or to do what we promised to do.
Sometimes it does get difficult but perseverance is well worth it. The outcome just boosts the level of energy and helps increase happiness and gratitude!
Thanks again!