5 Mobile Apps to Boost Your Productivity and Increase Your Gratitude

Gratitude-WatchHave you ever noticed that the more you get done, the greater levels of gratitude you feel? I have certainly been busy these past few months. My “main website, Digital Maestro, keeps work coming and adds more and more tasks to the ‘To Do list.” Even though there are more things to do, there is no more time to do it. So, I continue to search for time savers!

First off – There is a short program by Jason Fladlien – Double your Productivity for Life.  He offers many tips to double your productivity and you can use these tips over and over. I have to warn you… when you click on the link, his page is filled with a lot of hype. Talk about salesy – it is a real turn off. But, if you can get by that and check out his system, you might find it very useful. Being skeptical, I tried it out ONLY because of the money back deal he had. I was pleasantly pleased with what I received. I have to admit – the gratitude levels kept moving higher as I work this system.

Next, we all know that your mobile phone can do many things for you, including enhancing your productivity! Whether you use an Android or iPhone, you can download many third-party applications that help you get more out of your day. Used as a productivity tool, you WILL feel more gratitude!

Consider these apps to help you avoid time wasters and get more done:

1.    Evernote: Evernote allows you to take and organize notes. Not only can you access your notes from your phone, but with an Evernote account, you can use them from anywhere with an internet connection. The app itself is free and offers 40 MB of storage space, but you can upgrade to 1 GB of new uploads per month for $34.99/year.

2.    Rev: This is a great app that allows you to dictate into your smartphone and then send it to have it transcribed by a live person. THe transcription service runs about $1/minute, but it can certainly save time when you are on the go and want to remember something and get it digitally.

3.    Timewerks: Timewerks helps you track how many hours you’ve spent on a variety of different projects when you’re working for clients. You can even invoice your clients straight from the app! There’s also a stopwatch feature that runs in the background and allows you to track how much time is spent on each activity.

  • Using this app, you can export your invoices to your computer. Also, it integrates with Credit Card Terminal software, which enables you to accept credit card payments through your phone.
  • Timewerks is $9.99 for the full version. However, there is a free, “lite” version that offers all of the same functionality, but only for one project at a time.

4.    MileIQ: This is a great app that I use to automagically track the mileage when I am in the car. Since I use my car for work, I can deduct the mileage that is for business use. When I run around town, to the Post Office, to the bank, and to the gym, these trips get recorded without me having the do anything. I just have to categorize which are for business and which is personal. The app is free, but if you want to track more than 40 trips per month, you will need to get the premium version for 45.99/month. Try it out for free – and when you do upgrade, you get 20% off an annual subscription when you use this link.

If you want to get more accomplished each day, and you have an iPhone or Android-based phone, try putting some of these apps to use. Even when they require a small investment, it may be well worth it to you to extend the capabilities of your phone. With these apps at your fingertips, you can become more productive today! And don’t forget about Double your Productivity for Life. Get more done – get more gratitude! I like that slogan!

Be Well.
The Gratitude Guru

Note: This article was revised on 15 Sept 2017 to remove some apps that are no longer around.


  1. Lynn Brown on May 6, 2011 at 1:06 am

    Great source of information here Paul. I just can’t get my head around the ‘mobile’ technology yet. My son would like to give me his Android but I see how all these different apps, the cost and the learning curve, my head spins. I know I have to take the plunge, just getting up the nerve to jump in!

    • Paul on May 8, 2011 at 9:36 am

      Lynn – I am one who cannot live without my iPhone. I love it! Yes, there are lots of apps and it can be overkill, however, there is no need to jump in and learn all of them. Take it slowly and use just one at a time. Once you are comfortable with it, move on to the next one. I have apps that I have used everyday and loved them, but then outgrew them or no longer had the need to use them. Good Luck and keep me informed! I would love to hear of your progress. Be Well.

  2. Menka on May 6, 2011 at 10:42 pm

    It is fascinating.Price is high. Worth it if we use it. Thank you for the great source.

  3. Lynn Brown on May 10, 2011 at 12:49 am

    Thank you Paul. You are right, take one app at a time would be a good method to start out. Maybe you might suggest a couple of apps I should start out with.

    Appreciate your help!

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