Gratitude: Cause and Effect

Here is a great video demonstrating gratitude that was shared by my Aunt Melissa. When I first watched it, it looked very familiar! It was at the end when the construction worker was handed a glass of water that I realized this was shot in Red Bank, NJ – just a couple blocks from where I used to work!

If you do something to someone, it will have an effect that you may not realize. Because of this, do something nice. The ripple effects will be more favorable than doing something that is not nice.

During the holiday season, it is easy to express your gratitude towards others. Try to keep the gratitude giving going throughout the New Year and into 2012.

Happy Holidays!

Be Well.
The Gratitude Guru


  1. Melanie Kissell on December 24, 2011 at 6:25 pm

    Love the message in this video, Paul, and how everything comes around full circle to the construction worker/city worker who got the (gratitude) ball rolling. 🙂

    Even though these little acts of kindness were staged, the value in the message remains …

    We CAN make a difference in someone’s life and, hence, a difference in the world!

    Happy Holidays! (and don’t go too heavy on the eggnog) LOL

  2. Michael on December 26, 2011 at 8:06 pm

    Thank You Paul and thanks you Paul’s Mother …It is true one kind loving word can make a difference, it can lead to a chain reaction of good that goes on all day… Treat others as we would like to be treated and we will be treated better by all…
    The number one gift we are given in this life on earth is love give it generiously MALO the Charity Artist

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