Try it! You’ll like it!

A favorite saying in my house when I was growing up was based on a commercial by Alka-Seltzer. The tag line back then was, “Try it, you’ll like it!” My father always encouraged my sister, my brother and I to at least try the ‘unusual’ food put in front of us for dinner. I am talking about things like fish, broccoli, onions, tripe, and ox-tail soup.

I think that is where my written goal to do at least 1 new thing a week originated. This is easy to do, but hard to maintain if it is not on the fore-front of your mind.

Well, today I took a train from NJ to VA for the first time. It was a great experience. I have driven here many times and I have flown several times. I have to say… I liked the train! It was relaxing to be able to read and let the driving get done by the engineer! I am grateful for the ability to have the time to do what I wanted to do while getting to where I had to go.

This was not the first time I was on a train,
nor will it be the last. But, it was the first time I took the train for a trip required by work.

What will you try this week?

Be Well.

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  1. Binod Maliel on January 21, 2010 at 2:55 pm

    Goals really help …

    Thinking about a goal …

    Writing it down …

    Following through and doing even a little at a time till goal is completed…

    Sounds simple, yes it is. It is simple to understand, but is a challenge to do.

    Implement Your Learning.
    Binod Maliel

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