A Gratitude Walk

When it comes to bringing gratuitous thoughts to your mind, a gratitude walk is similar to the gratitude journal. Rather than taking the time to write down and record your thoughts in some sort of binder or journal, you generate a list of those things in your head while you go for a walk. For some people, myself included, I get into a rhythm of thinking to the beat of my walking stride.

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Grateful for Social Media

The other day I posted about my Flip Video recorder. We went to Newark Airport on Tuesday evening to pick up Carrie and Tori – they arrived in from Georgia to spend some time up here in New Jersey.

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Something To Think About

Imagine that you had won the following prize in a contest:

Each morning your bank would deposit $
86,400.00 in your private account for your use.

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Gratitude For The Rain

This past 2 weeks has brought brought sweltering temperatures and high humidity! The cool temps and the rain are a welcomed respite from what we have been experiencing. The lawns are certainly thankful for getting some water that is deeply needed.

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