Right now!

I started to write this post – it is Saturday morning (almost lunchtime) and I thought, “What am I grateful for today, Right Now!” The song by Van Halen immediately flooded my mind. I will never forget the first time I heard this song. I was visiting my friend Marco when he was living out in California.

We decided to go Sky Diving (my first time, his second). We drove to the drop zone and had a choice to make. Take a full 8-hour training and jump solo, or take the shorter training of an hour (I think) and jump tandem with an instructor. Since we did not want to spend ALL day we opted for the tandem jump. We each had our jump videotaped as well as still shots. On the video, they used Van Halen’s song, Right Now, as the music. It is a great song that talks about The song reflects on living for the moment and not being afraid of making a change. Here is a picture when I jumped (you can click on it to see a larger picture):

Paul Sky Diving

Paul Sky Diving

And here is a video of Van Halen playing this song.

As for me, right now… What am I grateful for? I am grateful for being able to help out a friend and get her computer up and running. I am grateful that the sun is shinning out today. I am grateful for being presented with challenges that allow me to grow and expand and become a better person. And so much more.

Be Well.

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