Feed Your Soul. Feed Your Mind.
Advice to Andrew Jackson by his Mother
In 1781 Andrew Jackson, then 14 years of age, enlisted in the American army, was captured (along with his brother) and they were both thrown into prison where Andrew Jackson contracted smallpox. His mother Elizabeth Hutchinson Jackson, through exchange arranged for his release; Elizabeth arranged a prisoner transfer – the patriots turned over thirteen redcoats…
Read MoreMeditation
“Meditation is not what you think!”
Read MoreConfession Time: It Ain’t All Roses…
“When you complain, you become a living, breathing crap magnet.”
Read MoreFrom Service to Surfing
Knowing what you are cut out for will make things much easier for you! Do you know what you are supposed to do? Still unsure? Even if you are not sure what your calling is, do not let that stop you! Go and try new things! Be helpful to others. Share your talents, whatever they…
Read MoreA Thanksgiving Tradition…
Here is a Thanksgiving Day Tradition! Every year a New York radio station would play this song on Thanksgiving! Every year, I still play it! (From Wikipedia) The church where this all began This song is called Alice’s Restaurant, and it’s about Alice, and the restaurant, but Alice’s Restaurant is not the name of the…
Read MoreFeel Great Right Now!
Want to feel more gratitude right now? Want to feel great in an instant? Here is a quick, sure fire way to feel good right now!
Read MoreThe Rich Man and the Zen Master
The Rich Man asks the advice of the Zen Master.
Read MoreSo Much Gratitude In Something So Little
People often appreciate the talents of others. Have you considered the talents that you posses? I am sure that you can be grateful for something that you do uniquely well. When you have some time today, think about that which you can do very well. Share your talents and skills with someone else.
Read MoreGreat or Grateful?
Chip Conley wrote an article at the Huffington Post that was very interesting. One short paragraph says a lot: There’s a growing body of research that shows it is not happiness that makes us grateful, but it’s gratefulness that makes us happy. Doing just a few hours of writing in a gratitude journal over three…
Read More4 Ways to Stop Overanalyzing Everything
What is the one thing that holds people back from accomplishing things in their life that they really want to do? Overanalyzing everything. It can range from overthinking every little problem until each one becomes a much larger perceived problem (and now too scary to do) to breaking down what would be a positive thing…
Read MoreGratitude Recharges Your Life
When you are feeling a little down and out, or feeling a little sluggish in general, try thinking of some things that bring you more gratitude.
Read MoreThe Concept of Karma
Karma is the consequence of everything you do throughout your life.
Read MoreTransforming The Walls Into Doors
Nick Vujicic shares a powerful message in this Ted Talk he gave. I was going to provide some great quotes I wrote down as I watched and re-watched his talk, but I did not want to spoil it for you. A few years ago, I shared another video about Nick – Think about it at…
Read MoreGratitude for the Right Words
Many of you may know that I have another website, Digital Maestro, where I help people create their own websites (sometimes for free!). It is primarily a ‘technical’ site compared to All About Gratitude. I recently posted a video that was applicable to the subject matter of the site, and the comments came pouring in!…
Read MoreUplift Your Mood With These 6 Gratitude-Building Strategies
Most of us are constantly under pressure and on the go with our fast-paced lifestyles. It’s only natural for us to occasionally feel worn out or even a bit down from time to time. The good news is that something as simple as refocusing your attention from your challenges to acknowledging the things that you…
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