Posts Tagged ‘Quote Of The Day’

A Quote? Everyday?

I frequently get asked, “You send out a Quote Of the Day? Everyday? How interesting! Why?” I think it is time to outline the history of the Gratitude Burst and how it came about. I do not know the actual start date of the Quote of the Day, but something came up at work one…

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A Quote? Everyday?

(This is a previously posted post that I updated. I frequently get asked, “You send out a Gratitude Burst? Everyday? How interesting! Why?” I think it is time to outline the history of the Quote, and how it came about. I do not know the actual start date of the Quote of the Day, but…

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When Oprah Talks About Gratitude


On a scale of 1-10, how much gratitude do you feel or experience on a regular basis? Is it on the scale? Or is off the scale, below 1 or even above a 10? Oprah says, “The  single greatest thing you can do to change your life today would be to start being grateful for…

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Do It Anyway

I came across this and thought I would share it! The author is not credited – if you know who it is, kindly let me know so I may give her/him the appropriate credit that is deserved! People are illogical, unreasonable, and self-centered—love them anyway. If you do good, people will accuse you of selfish…

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Recently, I have been getting a lot of emails from you all – the subscribers of the Quote of the Day. I am trying to answer all of them, but they are piling up 🙂 Thanks for taking the time out to write and share. I am grateful for having you as a subscriber as…

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