Posts Tagged ‘Universe’

The Good Fairy


The Law of Attraction:
1. Know what you want and ask the universe for it.
2. Feel and behave as if the object of your desire is on its way.
3. Be open to receiving it.

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Attitude of Gratitude


By announcing your thanks out loud for the the world and the universe to hear, you are acknowledging your gratitude and allowing it to resonate throughout.

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Attitude of Gratitude


By announcing your thanks out loud for the the world and the universe to hear, you are acknowledging your gratitude and allowing it to resonate throughout.

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Jennfer and the Case of the Missing PowerPoint file

Last night, I logged onto Facebook and just at that instance, I had a message sent to me that said: “Hey Paul B. I know you’re an Apple person, but do you know about Microsoft 2007 programs for PC? I NEED HELP!” This message was sent only 46 seconds before I logged on. Coincidence? Hmmm.…

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