Jennfer and the Case of the Missing PowerPoint file

Last night, I logged onto Facebook and just at that instance, I had a message sent to me that said:

“Hey Paul B. I know you’re an Apple person, but do you know about Microsoft 2007 programs for PC? I NEED HELP!”

This message was sent only 46 seconds before I logged on. Coincidence? Hmmm. I don’t think so.

Long story short… After walking her through a whole lot of steps and an hour and a half later, the file was recovered and many hours of re-work was spared. What a good night!

Honestly – after we hung up, I did my little happy dance. I was ecstatic that what seemed like an impossible task of getting the file back, I was able to help her out and recover the file. A couple points during that time I was ready to throw in the towel and say it was gone. Instead, I pushed a little more, I kept at it, and success was shared. Both of us were in such a good mood when
we hung up. I am smiling now as I think back to last night.

So… What did I learn from this? Probably not much. But, what did I reinforce within me?? Now that is an awesome question!

1. Sometimes you just have to push through just a little more. It is that extra effort that gets you to your goal. A few more minutes, another attempt, giving it another try, or doing something a little extra will make the ordinary into extraordinary (is that too chiché ?)

2. The good feeling I received was only because I was helping someone get what they needed. I didn’t get anything in return. I did not get paid. If anything, one can say I lost an hour and a half of my free time. I would say I spent an hour and a half with a friend helping her get something she needed.

3. Always be grateful that you can help someone else. And then, go out and help them!

4. ALWAYS celebrate your successes. I have said this time and again. Doing the happy dance was good for me – and it will be good for you.
There is no need to wait until you complete a major project, or you finish the school year, or some gigantic task is resolved. Celebrate the small victories and you will look forward to the next ones.

Feel free to leave a comment at any time either here on the blog, or send me an email!

Be Well.

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  1. Jen on August 25, 2009 at 10:45 pm

    As the recipient of your tireless efforts in this story, I would like to say “Thank You” again! For the 25+ years that I’ve known you, I’ve ONLY experienced you as incredibly generous with your time, resources, and spirit. If everyone would strive to be half as kind as you are, the world would be a much better place. Thanks for being you, Paul B.

  2. Paul on August 26, 2009 at 9:22 pm


    You are very welcome! Any time!

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