Posts Tagged ‘Ways’

12 Practical Ways to Practice Gratitude

Gratitude isn’t a common habit, but without gratitude, life is more challenging than it needs to be. Feeling grateful resets your perspective, and this is a gift you can give yourself each day. If you find yourself feeling pessimistic or overwhelmed, a little gratitude can get your attitude back on the right track. Gratitude is…

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10 Practical Ways to Grow Your Gratitude

Have you ever tried to cultivate gratitude? It can be more complicated than it sounds. Our brains are usually wired to pay more attention to negative events. Hurricanes and heartbreaks create deeper impressions than rainbows and family dinners. Sometimes, you’re just so busy that you forget about your resolutions on your way to work and…

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13 Easy Ways to Say “Thank You”

13 Ways to Say Thank You

How many times have you wanted an easy way to say “Thank You” to someone? After all, one of the most powerful phrases in the English language is “thank you.”  It lets you express your gratitude and show appreciation to others. In this post, I will show you 13 easy ways to say “Thank You”…

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Top 10 Ways Gratitude Enhances Your Life

Abundance surrounds you in many ways. Regardless of your station in life, there are many things that gratify you. What are you thankful for? Take a moment to ponder them. Consider the ways that having gratitude makes your life better: You’ll be more enthusiastic. Research shows that when subjects recorded what they were thankful for…

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