Gratitude For What I Want

As a reader of my blog, you realize now that I share stories of things I have done, or stories I have heard in person, stories I read online, and an assorted collection of what I like to call, “Stuff!”

As with the Quote of the Day, there is a general attitude of gratitude in 99% of my posts. It all ties in together. As a Quote subscriber, you know I put some commentary into the quote to get you to think about how the quote relates to gratitude; it ties it all together. I recall a subscriber who canceled her subscription because the Gratitude Quote of the Day did not include the word ‘gratitude’ and therefore was not about gratitude!

From that point forward I started to write a few paragraphs about how the quote relates to Gratitude, even if it is indirectly.

Here at the blog, I don’t bother with that extra step. No, I should not use the word, ‘bother.’ Rather, I let you the reader decide what you would like to get from these mu

I hope you are enjoying them, nonetheless.

Be Well.

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