Grateful for a Technical Glitch

I think this gratitude thing might be catching on! For the first time ever I tried to look at the site last night and I saw a horrible message that read something to the effect, “The Bandwidth of this website has been exceeded. Contact the Administrator for assistance.”

Yikes! Not a good thing to have show up!

What does that mean? Not to get too technical, it means that I had too many people coming to the website! I guess that is a good problem to have! This also validates that people are coming to the site!

I fixed the problem by letting the tech team know that All About Gratitude is growing and it is time to get some extra bandwidth! This is similar to calling a limo company and saying, “I need a limo” and getting a Town Car. The next time a limo is required, a STRETCH limo is needed! The next time… A PARTY BUS has to be sent… And so on! How exciting!

Thank you for checking in and reading the blog. Thanks for watching the videos. Thanks for leaving the comments! I am truly grateful that we have grown and have such a following!

(Now, if I can only get people to leave comments… 🙂

Be Well.


  1. Dops on July 30, 2010 at 9:46 am

    Yes! finally I am able to access your blog, it was down this morning because of the traffic =D Yes, you are having too many followers, and I am one of your avid fan =D
    Thanks for the inspiring posts!

  2. Paul on July 30, 2010 at 9:55 am

    Thanks Dops! Sorry about the server being inaccessible! Hopefully that won’t happen again! Now I know I have to monitor it more closely.

  3. Erik Taubman on July 30, 2010 at 11:09 am

    Pretty soon you will be “too big to fail!”

  4. Paul on July 30, 2010 at 10:22 pm

    Wouldn’t that be great, Erik? I am Fired Up!

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