Hour of Power for Gratitude

I was reflecting, feeling the gratitude and I was just about to wind down and do some reading before I called it a day. I was connecting with a few folks on FaceBook tonight and saw a post from Sherry Rogers. She posted:

“Anyone interested in joining me in committing to and being accountable for dedicating an hour of power every day for 10 days to your life? What is an hour of power? Whatever blend of meditation, reading and exercise that you fit into an hour time-frame before starting your day. My mentor, Jack Canfield recommends 20 min. of each. Anyone game?”

I met Jack a few years ago (there is a picture of him and I posted on FaceBook); I remember him talking about the Hour of Power. I kept it up for a while – it was great! Personally,
I have difficulty getting all 3 done BEFORE my day starts, but I manage to get them in most of the time. But starting Wednesday, I will be re-committed to give it a shot!

Feel free to leave some comments on your progress or just your thoughts about this!

Anyone else game?

Be Well.



  1. Robert Axelsen on August 4, 2010 at 4:14 am

    Great initiative and an excellent practice you, Sharon and her mentor Jack are sharing with us.

    I heard about a very similar practice from Brian Tracy. He terms it the Golden Hour, and suggests that you start your day with one hour of reading.

    He says that “Reading is to the mind as excercise is for the body.” Start the day with time for yourself and your mind, and you will feel better throughout the day.

    I did this myself for a week, and I quite enjoyed it. Only problem is that I am not flexible enough in the morning – so I had to get up 1 hour earlier than usual.

    Here is a video where he talks about it (starts talking about golden hour at 03:30):

    Here is an article about it from his website:

  2. donald on August 4, 2010 at 7:05 am

    Good Morning, I am game. I know that the day starts when I awake and how vitally important that I focus on my immediate thoughts which takes me thoughout the day. Already I make note of the thoughts that I want and an open to getting the most out of each and every day.

  3. Sue on August 4, 2010 at 7:53 am


    Okay I am game. I usually do this on and off during the day. I care for my husband, heart is bad. I have been doing a Kelly Minter (Ruth) study with Beth Moore online this summer and I am starting Jonah with the Bible Study Cafe for Woman today ( also worked on the Ruth study there). Could get more done in the early a.m. Thanks for the idea, and the blog. Doing online studies does make you accountable to someone. Thanks again.


  4. Paul on August 4, 2010 at 1:25 pm

    @Robert – Making a sacrifice to get up earlier is dedication and it will be rewarded! Well Done! Keep up the good work!

    @Donald – Absolutely! As Jim Rohn would say, “Don’t get through the day, get from the day!”

    @Sue – I have *heard* it is best to do in the morning. But doing it throughout the day is better then *not* doing it! If it works for you, stick with it.

    Be Well Everyone!

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