1,001 Things That Increase My Gratitude!

I read somewhere that someone had started to post a list of 1,000 that he/she felt more gratitude towards. Each day a list of 10 things were added. If you do the math, you will see that this effort will take 100 days. I like that idea. After all, I have been blogging over a year and I am up for the challenge! Starting today I will be including a list of 10 things for which I am grateful.

Although I am not sure what I am going to be doing, I will still keep up the blog as it is – a mix of thoughts, videos, pictures, etc.  I think that some days will be an expansion of the 10 things – I will include a bit about each item. And other days will be the usual types of posts you have come to enjoy. At the bottom of these posts you will see a running list… that day’s 10 items (or so) will be listed without much fanfare!

I certainly appreciate if anyone cares to comment and leave a list of anywhere from 1 thing to 10 (or more). After all, I get tired from doing all the talking 😉

To start off the list (in no particular order):

1. Kim, Paulette, Erik, Brian, Lisa, Brynn, Rachel, Neil, Melody, Sammy, Carrie, Jennifer, Kevin, RJ, Tori, Kelly, Kristen, and everyone else.
2. My computer
3. My job (I worked all day and night on Friday, and I get to have more fun today!)
4. The ceiling fan that is keeping me cool right now as I types this out!
5. The pictures of me my relatives keep sending to me telling me I look like Bob (Yup! I am grateful for that too!)
6. The bottle of carbonated water that I made myself. I smile every time I drink from it because I link water with gratitude!
7. Time Machine on my Mac! As I type this, I can hear my backup software hard at work, so I don’t have to! (You do have backups of your computer, right?)
8. The people that I have come to know via FaceBook – (if you are on FB, click on the Friend Me button in the upper-right corner).
9. My chair – it was an expensive purchase when I bought my chair, but I love it!
10. This blog – it allows me to share my thoughts with you all.

Until tomorrow!

Be Well.


  1. Dops on August 8, 2010 at 7:48 pm

    I am thankful for this new day today, and I thank God that I am still alive, breathing and can bask in the sun all I want =D

    I am thankful for this blog that gives inspirations! More power. =D

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