Do the new features bring you Gratitude?

Have you noticed that that there are a couple new features at All About Gratitude?

Take a peek at the Menu Bar. There are 2 new links: Past Quotes and 1,001.

Gratitude Menu

Past Quotes now displays previous Gratitude Quotes of the Day. It will take me a while to load in all the history, but all the quotes will be there on a go-forward basis.

1,001 is my personal list of 1,001 thin
gs that bring me more gratitude! I am writing about 10 each day. They are timely “things” that inspired me at the point I was listing them out. Sometimes they are just a numbered list and other times they will have more details surrounding them!

I hope you take a moment to look at the new links and let me know what you think!

Be Well. And by the way… Leaving comments will also bring me more Gratitude!

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