Gratitude For a Delay?

Do I really have gratitude for sitting in an airport for an extra two hours?

Gratitude at the Airport

I am currently at the Palm Beach International airport awaiting my flight back to New Jersey. My flight was *supposed* to depart at 5:00 pm, but the announcement was just made that will we be leaving here tonight at 7:00pm, if we are lucky! The good news is the aircraft is here at the gate, but the powers that be will not let us take off due to weather.

How can this be good? I could complain, be ticked off, yell at the representative at the gate and be in a foul mood for the rest of the night. Not much gratitude there, is there!

Or I can look at in another way, sprinkle some gratitude on the situation, and smile! After all, it gives me a chance to write this blog entry as well as get some uninterrupted work time that was not scheduled! Sure, I can work on the plane, but I never get as much done working on that little tray table!

With that said, I will posting this entry and working on some other great things! Remember – gratitude makes situations much easier!


  1. Paulette on August 23, 2010 at 10:33 am

    Close enough to Jimmy Buffets song, I think your unexpected wait was a great time to listen to Jimmy Buffets’ song. I’m sure you did have a great big smile on your face! How perfect!

    No plane on sunday
    Maybe be one come monday
    Just a hopeless situation
    Make the best of it’s all you can do
    ’til they get through

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