Be Grateful. It is Scientific.

The single greatest thing you can do to change your life today is to start being grateful for what you have right now.” – Oprah

Maybe you are not a big Oprah fan. That is ok. How about science?  I have found study results that have proven that people who express their gratitude daily are 25% happier and significantly healthier than those who don’t. (Disclaimer: This came from the internet when I searched for documented evidence. I could not find the actual study).

From my personal experience I would say that 25 is a LOW percentage. Sadness and Gratitude cannot be felt at the same time. If you are feeling grateful, you certainly will be in a more positive and upbeat mood.

Try it out now! Close your eyes and start to mentally list the things for which are you are grateful. See if your mood is elevated! Let me know how it turns out – leave a comment below. (For a powerful experience, actually do this now! Don’t just read it and think, “OK – I should do that later.” Give it a shot now while it is fresh in your mind.

Be Well.

By the way, you can sign up for the Gratitude Burst at:


  1. sarah on November 5, 2012 at 6:54 am

    I receive three daily readings in my e-mail. One from and one from Jack Graham at Power Point Ministries. The other was a gratitude burst from Paul Tubman! The last one I received was on October 29th. Have I been taken off the list?
    Thank you for the readings I have had in the past! I am grateful!

    • Paul on November 13, 2012 at 11:30 am

      Hi Sarah –

      The Bursts took a short break due to Hurricane Sandy! I was without power for over a week (and therefor no internet service!) You should be receiving them now 🙂

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