Magic – just like they say it is

Once again, I tried something new this weekend. I purchased a Magic Jack to test it out and see how well it works. If you have never heard the Magic Jack, let me tell you about it! It is a small device (about the size of a Zippo lighter) that plugs into your computer. You then plug a phone into the Magic Jack . After a couple minutes to set things up, you now have a new phone number, voicemail, FREE local and Long distance phone service. All of this for about $40 for the year. Next year, the costs drop to about $20.

So far, it is working like a charm! I currently have a second phone line coming into the house for a fax. I think within the week that this line will be gone and I am using the Magic Jack as my dedicated fax line!

So, where is the gratitude in all this? For starters, I am grateful that I will be saving over $300 a year when I give up my current fax line. I am also grateful that I tried something new! And in the end, if this does not work, I can return it within 30 days and get my money back 🙂

Be Well.

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