Gratitude for Saving Some Money

When I have the opportunity to save some money, I swell up with gratitude! When I have the opportunity to help the environment, that is another time I am filled with gratitude! But… when I have the chance to do both at the same time, that is like Gratitude Nirvana!

This evening I was talking with a friend of mine, Steve. He is the one to know when it comes to the whole ‘Green Movement’ and ‘Saving the Environment.’ And he certainly knows his stuff!

Anyway, we were talking about the last time we saw each other and the late night chat we had in the lobby of his hotel. He told me about a recent blog entry that he wrote Simple Ways For Reducing Your Energy Bills  over on this website. Once I saw it I told him we needed to talk again!

I think it is great that connecting with friends and making a difference in the world can sometimes happen so easily!

Be Well.
The Gratitude Guru

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