Starting a Week of Gratitude

This has been a VERY long and busy week for me. If you came to visit the blog each day this week, you would have found a blog that was not updated for 5 days. Because of this, I am ‘back dating’ this week’s entries with a list of 5 things I wrote down each day which i feel grateful for – these are the 5 things I came up with when I first woke up.

1. I am grateful for my family and friends.
2. I am grateful for being able to have the ability to go out and go hiking.
3. I am happy and grateful to have a day off from work today and enjoy myself as I see fit.
4. I am grateful that we have wonderfully cool weather outside and the wind is blowing fresh air inside for me to enjoy.
5. I am grateful to be sleeping in this morning,

As you can see, although this is a ‘simple’ list, it sets the whole morning’s mood!

Be Well.

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