Bye Bye

The list of recipients for those who get the Quote of the Day continues to grow on a daily basis. A few times a week, I will receive a comment or an email from someone expressing their gratitude for what I am doing. To me, that makes the time and investment worth while!

Occasionally, however, someone who subscribes will unsubscribe and stop getting the Daily Quote. When that first happened, I admit, I was upset. How could someone NOT want the quote? It is good stuff! It is free! It is delivered to your mailbox. It can’t get easier than that! Why would someone NOT want it??

2 minutes later, I composed myself and realized that all was going to be ok. Some people cannot handle the Quote. That sounds a bit funny, but it is true. I am sure you know someone full of negativity that does not like when you tell them to look on the bright side, or try to give some encouragement. Having a Daily Dose of Gratitude infused into their day goes against their grain. If that pertains to someone who signs up, they deserve to unsubscribe. The quote will go on without them. We are certainly happy to have them on the list (should they ever want to return), but until then, I am thankful to see some people unsubscribe – it makes me appreciate even more those that stick around each day!

Tomorrow I will share some thoughts about what one person said when they unsubscribed. It is very interesting (well, I thought so!)

Be Well.

Sign up for the Gratitude Quote of the Day at:

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