100 Days Left

Gratitude-ToodledoAs of today, there are only 100 days left in 2009. I am taking this opportunity to really solidify the goals and tasks of things that I want to accomplish by the time the New Year comes along. I am very thankful that I can put my mind to it and get these things done. Currently I have a list of 54 things on my To Do list. This includes things that are ‘trivial’ like “Reconcile this month’s Bank Statement” to “Lose 35 pounds by the end of the year” and “Develop the All About Gratitude Website to be more functional”.

I am using a app on my iPhone to help me track all these things – Toodledo. One of the really cool features is that it automatically syncs to their website –  http://www.toodledo.com/ If I am at the computer, I can bring up my list. If I am out and about, I can use the app on my phone. While it is great to use the app on the iPhone, you do not need to have the phone. You can use the service online and print out your list. Last thing about Tooledo… Did I mention? It is FREE! Go check it out!

It seems I digressed a bit. Over then next few months, I will post my progress on how I am doing, and I encourage each one of you to set some goals that you would like to accomplish. If you don’t hear about my progress, feel free to ask!

Be Well.

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