Gratitude For Being Back

Gratitude-SuccessThe gratitude is flowing once again! As indicated in today’s Burst, The Site is back up and running! Yes, there were some issues. But after some excellent work, it is back!

Thanks to everyone who let me know of the problems I was working on them. It is nice to know that people are out there looking out for what is happening here on the site. Thank you!

I will find a way to express my gratitude to you all! In the mean time, if something does not seem right, kindly let me know and I will have it corrected!

Thanks for stopping by! See you this weekend.

Be Well.
The Gratitude Guru


  1. Menka on February 11, 2011 at 7:20 am

    Congratulation for your great work. Everything I read gave me smile on my face. Thanks paul.

  2. Laurence Hansen on February 11, 2011 at 12:34 pm

    It is great to see everything back and working as it should be.

    Now you can be grateful things are back to normal in time for the weekend.


  3. Laurence Hansen on February 11, 2011 at 12:48 pm

    In case it isn’t obvious by my other comments, I am immensely grateful for you, Paul, and for this website.

    Your gratitude bursts, daily blog posts and your dedication to helping create a more positive world are truly inspirational to me.


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