Think about it at Thanksgiving time…

I received an email request asking for some information about Nick Vujicic – I posted a video of his in the past and someone wanted to know if I still had it.

There are a lot of things you can be thankful for – one of them is the ability to adapt! After watching this video, you may think it is best to be thankful that you are not in Nick’s, um, shoes… But in reality, you should be thankful that you have the ability to control your thoughts and your outlook.

I wish I was half as optimistic as Nick is.



“It’s a lie to think you’re not good enough. It’s a lie to think you’re not worth anything.”
? Nick Vujicic

Be Well.
The Gratitude Guru


  1. Sandra on November 19, 2011 at 2:20 pm

    Hi Paul,

    Thanks for your post. I saw Nick speak at a church conference a few years ago, and it was amazing how much energy and enthusiasm he had as he spoke. It felt like he was going to bounce off the stage with all his energy and enthusiasm. My mom, who because of her strokes, uses a wheelchair or a walker to get around, was also there, and cried while hearing him speak. He reminded her that inspite of whatever limitations we might each have, we still have amazing possibilities available to each of us. We all have more than we know, we just have to believe it and use it.

    Thanks again for sharing! And thanks for being an awesome WordPress coach and teacher!



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