Gratitude and New Year’s Resolutions

Happy New Year! Here it is, 2012 already – where does the time go?

Are you a resolution type of person? Do you have your goals in mind, the changes you want to make, and a list of accomplishments planned out for the next 3, 6, or 12 months? Many people use today to start over. It is a Renaissance of a sort – a rebirth!

If you do have a list of things, are you really interested in achieving them? Are there things on the list that you want to have (materialistic things)? Are there activities that you want to engage in this year (things you want to do), like running a 5k, or taking a trip? How about items that directly affect your well being? Are there any of those on your list?

If you re-read the above paragraph, the order I listed the questions are generally the order that people have for their lists. In fact, if you really want to accomplish your list, you need to load up in the opposite manner.

Huh? You should first Be, then Do, so you can Have. It is so easy to get caught up the other way around. “When I have a new car, then I will start to find a new job, so I will be happy.” In reality, you should Be happy and you will find a new job which will put you on the path to having a new car.

As I mentioned in today’s Gratitude Burst, my top 2 items both deal with being healthy. My mindset is one of being healthy. That makes it easier to get to the gym, to eat right (and not eat poorly).  This will lead to me having a smaller tummy, more energy, a better physical feeling.

I am not using ‘excuses’ like I am too out of shape, so I can’t keep up at an aerobics class. I am not saying, “I am tired. I don’t want to work out.” Nike says it best – Just Do It!

When you think of your New Year’s Goals (or resolutions) with the Be, Do, Have idea, you certainly will accomplish them much easier.

Be Well.
The Gratitude Guru


  1. Sharon O'Day on January 2, 2012 at 9:54 am

    So easy to remember, Paul, and so in keeping with our times! Bravo!

  2. Hughie Bagnell on January 2, 2012 at 9:09 pm

    Thanks Paul…thinking with the ‘Be,Do,Have idea’ will certainly help in the process of accomplishing our goals…Thank you, Hughie

  3. Eno Nsima-Obot, MD on January 4, 2012 at 12:25 am

    Thanks Paul for that reminder of the way it really goes… Be, Do, Have mixed together with the flour of gratitude for what’s so… Great post!!

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