The Ultimate Blog Challenge!

I have been writing about Gratitude for a few years  now here at If you have been a reader for any amoutn of time, you will know that I write about joy, love, and gratitude! Typically I will relate a story that I read, or discuss something that has happened to me personally, or even share an email that was sent to me. Judging by the ever increasing list size and site rankings, I am happy to say that people like what I am doing.

Gratitude-UBCStarting the month of October, I have once again entered the Ultimate Blog Challenge! I have participated in this in the past.  My friend Michele Scism and her friend, Michelle Schaeffer (I have not yet Michelle in person) run a challenge known as the Ultimate Blog Challenge. While I blog regularly (more recently time commitments have been pressing and I have not be posting as much as I would have liked), most blogs are not updated as regular. Michele and Michelle host the blog challenge to get people to blog  31 times during the month of January.

Michele is a business strategist and is best known as “The Results Lady” from, because she uses her signature “RESULTS” system to help business owners get the results they want out of their businesses and their lives.

Michelle Shaeffer has been a work at home mom for over 12 years and loves to share the tips and strategies she’s learned to help other home based business owners balance, manage, and market their businesses over at

What I will find interesting is that there will be a topic each day offering tips and suggestions on what you can blog about. I plan on blogging on that topic AND incorporating how I am grateful for whatever the topic is. This will be a challenge since I have no idea what the topics will be! I am up for it!

So, if it looks like the blog posts are a bit all over the place, rest assured that the underlying theme will continue to be gratitude! I look forward to applying it to some new areas of my life!

Let me know what you think – leave  a comment of two!

Be Well.
The Gratitude Guru

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